- Available: nope.
- Age: aproape 17.
- Annoyance: falsitatea
- Allergic: nu.
- Animal: pisica
- Actor: Robert Pattinson
- Beer: Redd's.
- Birthday/Birthplace: septembrie 26, Bucuresti
- Best Friends: pas.
- Body Part on opposite sex: ochii
- Best feeling in the world: cand esti impacat cu tine insuti.
- Blind or Deaf: nici una nici alta ..
- Best weather: si soare. . si vant.
- Been in Love: oarecum.
- Been bitched out? Nu.
- Been on stage? Mda.
- Believe in yourself? da
- Believe in life on other planets? Neinteresant.
- Believe in miracles? Depinde..
- Believe in Magic? Nu
- Believe in God? Da.
- Believe in Satan? Nu tocmai ..
- Believe in Santa? Nu.
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits? Nu tocmai ..
- Believe in Evolution? Da.
- Car: Nu ma pasioneaza
- Candy: neah ..
- Color: mov
- Cried in school: mda..
- Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate.
- Chinese/Mexican: nici, nici.
- Cake or pie: cake.
- Countries to visit: Portugalia, Grecia.
- Day or Night: night.
- Dream vehicle: nu am
- Danced: aseara
- Dance in the rain? nu chiar..
- Dance in the middle of the street? da
- Eggs: mai rar
- Eyes: expresivi .
- Everyone has: ceva de ascuns
- Ever failed a class? Nu.
- First crush: uhmm .. gradinita sau scoala primara, nu mai stiu sigur.
- Full name: Alexandra Ene
- First thoughts waking up: Mi-e somn.
- Food: piept de pui
- Greatest Fear: viitorul.
- Giver or taker: both
- Goals: nu-mi vine nimic acum in minte.
- Gum: Orbit mov.
- Get along with your parents? da
- Good luck charms: n-am.
- Hair Colour: saten deschis.
- Height: 1,73-1,74
- Happy: Da
- Holidays: ceva organizat pe moment, nu planuit din timp ..
- How do you want to die: fara sa ma chinui
- Health freak? nu.
- Hate: nu
- In guys/girls
Eye colour: n-are importanta
Hair Color: neah . cui ii pasa?
Height: mai inalt decat mine.
Clothing Style: poate sa poarte ce vrea, atata timp cat stie cum.
Characteristics: sa stie sa se poarte.
- Ice Cream: vanilie
- Instrument: pian.
- Jewelry: deseori port.
- Job: nu am.
- Kids: unul sau 2
- Kickboxing or karate: karate.
- Keep a journal? Nu.
- Longest Car Ride: hmm .. 4-5 ore parca.
- Love: ce e de zis aici?
- Letter: neah.
- Laughed so hard you cried: yep.
- Love at first sight: nu prea exista.
- Milk flavour: pas.
- Movie: n-am unul preferat.
- Mooned anyone? Nu.
- Marriage: maybe.
- Motion sickness? Nu.
- McD’s or BK: nici una nici alta.
- Number of Siblings: 0
- Number of Piercings: 2, daca se pun gaurile din urechi.
- Number: 9
- Overused Phrases: 'aiurea', 'mai sa fie', 'pana mea'.
- One wish: pas
- One phobia: paianjeni.
- Place you’d like to live: Home.
- Pepsi/Coke: Coke.
- Quail: ha ?
- Questionnaires: cand n-ai ce face ..
- Reason to cry: nervi, neputinta
- Reality T.V.: none.
- Radio Station: nu.
- Roll your tongue in a circle? da
- Song: acum Danny Fernandes - Private dancer.
- Shoe size: 39-40
- Sushi: neah
- Skipped school: nu prea
- Slept outside: nu.
- Seen a dead body? da .. doua parca.
- Smoked? Acum nu, mai demult.
- Skinny dipped? Nu.
- Shower daily? da :))
- Sing well? Nu chiar.
- In the shower? da
- Swear? uhmmm..
- Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries.
- Scientists need to invent:
- Time for bed: cand mi-e somn.
- Touch your tongue to your nose? nu pot
- Unpredictable: nu.
- Under the influence? Nu.
- Understanding? Da.
- Vegetable you hate: dovleacul.
- Vegetable you love: salata.
- Vacation spot: la maaare ..
- Weakness: hmm ..
- When you grow up: make my dreams come true :>
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: nu stiu.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Ande.
- Worst feeling: indiferenta.
- Wanted to be a model? neah
- Where do we go when we die: fiecare unde poate.
- Worst weather: canicula.
- Walk with a book on your head? asa si asa .
- X-Rays: nu am.
- Year it is now: 2009
- Yellow: nu-i tocmai una din preferatele mele.
- Zoo animal: -
- Zodiac sign: Balanta.
1. Slept in a bed beside you? uhmm .. parca mama.
2. Last person to see you cry? Ande.
3. Went to the movies with you? don't remember.
4. You went to the mall with? Geo.
5. You went to dinner with? ai mei.
6. You talked to on the phone? Gloria.
7. Made you laugh? Gloria.
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